张金鑫 博士
张金鑫,女,1994年6月出生,山东临沂人,博士。2024年12月博士毕业于东南大学,同年12月,进入线上转盘-在线轮盘游戏 从事教学及科研工作。
1. 2022年江苏省研究生科研与实践创新计划项目,KYCX22_0265,Na嵌入策略诱导的氧空位增强TiO2转移氢化机制研究,2022.09 - 2023.09。(主持,结题)
2. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,21878048,新型高效生物质水相加氢催化剂与催化反应体系研究,2019.01 - 2022.12。(参与,结题)
3. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,21676055,多孔沸石的合成、成型及孔结构与机械强度的研究,2017.01 - 2020.12。(参与,结题)
1. Jinxin Zhang, Heng Zhang, Dongfang Wu*, Effect of solvents on furfural liquid‐phase hydrogenation and catalysts: A review. AIChE Journal, 2024, DOI: 10.1002/aic.18709.
2. Jinxin Zhang, Donglei Mao, Heng Zhang, Dongfang Wu*, Tuning the Ni/TiO2 catalyst structure during preparation for the selective hydrogenation of furfural. Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers, 2024, 162, 105629.
3. Jinxin Zhang, Zhili Fan, Dongfang Wu*, Co(Cu) silicate derived efficient CoCu/SiO2 catalyst for aqueous-phase furfural hydrogenation. Chemical Engineering & Technology, 2024, 47, e202300265.
4. Jinxin Zhang, Donglei Mao, Heng Zhang, Dongfang Wu*, Hydrophobic hollow-structured nanocatalyst for aqueous-phase selective hydrogenation of furfural: “H2 storage and supercharging” effect. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2023, 471, 144461.
5. Jinxin Zhang, Donglei Mao, Heng Zhang, Dongfang Wu*, Improving furfural hydrogenation selectivity by enhanced Ni-TiO2 electronic interaction. Applied Catalysis A: General, 2023, 660, 119206.
6. Jinxin Zhang, Donglei Mao, Dongfang Wu*, Industrially applicable aqueous-phase selective hydrogenation of furfural on an efficient TiOx-modified Ni nanocatalyst. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 2021, 9, 13902-13914.
7. Jinxin Zhang, Dongfang Wu*, Aqueous phase catalytic hydrogenation of furfural to furfuryl alcohol over in-situ synthesized Cu-Zn/SiO2 catalysts. Materials Chemistry and Physics, 2021, 260, 124152.
8. Zhili Fan, Jinxin Zhang, Dongfang Wu*, Highly efficient Ni-Cu/SiO2 catalyst induced by Ni(Cu)-silica interaction for aqueous-phase furfural hydrogenation. Catalysis Letters, 2023, 153(5), 1543-1555.
9. Yiyi Zhou, Jinxin Zhang, Dongfang Wu*, Fabrication of g-C3N4/Bi4O5Br2 2D nanosheet photocatalyst for removal of organic pollutants under visible light irradiation. ChemistrySelect, 2023, 8(27), e202301237.
10. Donglei Mao, Jinxin Zhang, Heng Zhang, Dongfang Wu*, A highly efficient Cu-ZnO/SBA-15 catalyst for CO2 hydrogenation to CO under atmospheric pressure. Catalysis Today, 2022, 402, 60-66.
11. Yiyi Zhou, Jinxin Zhang, Dongfang Wu*, Enhanced photocatalytic degradation of ciprofloxacin over Bi2MoO6/g-C3N4/BiFeO3 heterojunction photocatalyst under visible light irradiation. Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing, 2022, 151, 107011.
12. Heng Zhang, Donglei Mao, Jinxin Zhang, Dongfang Wu*, Tuning the CO2 hydrogenation path by moderately phosphating the Co-Al catalyst toward methanol synthesis. Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 2024, 340, 123257.
13. Heng Zhang, Donglei Mao, Jinxin Zhang, Dongfang Wu*, Regulating the crystal structure of layered double hydroxide-derived Co-In catalysts for highly selective CO2 hydrogenation to methanol. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2023, 452, 139144.
14. Donglei Mao, Heng Zhang, Jinxin Zhang, Dongfang Wu*, The influence of the compositions and structures of Cu-ZrO2 catalysts on the catalytic performance of CO2 hydrogenation to CH3OH. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2023, 471, 144605.
15. Donglei Mao, Heng Zhang, Jinxin Zhang, Dongfang Wu*, A dual-site Cu-ZnO/Cu@Si catalyst boosts CO2 hydrogenation to CH3OH. Molecular Catalysis, 2023, 550, 113574.
16. Zhisheng Shi, Qingqing Tan, Chao Tian, Yu Pan, Xuewei Sun, Jinxin Zhang, Dongfang Wu*, CO2 hydrogenation to methanol over Cu-In intermetallic catalysts: effect of reduction temperature. Journal of Catalysis, 2019, 379, 78-89.
1. 吴东方*,张金鑫. 一种糠醛选择性加氢转化催化剂及其制备方法和应用,中国发明专利,授权公告号:CN 111545210 B.(已授权)
2. 吴东方*,张金鑫. 一种α,β-不饱和醛选择性加氢转化催化剂及其制备方法和应用,中国发明专利,授权公告号:CN 112536038 B.(已授权)
3. 吴东方*,范志立,张金鑫. 一种糠醛水相加氢反应双构型催化剂及其制备方法,中国发明专利,公开号:CN 116532150 A.
E-mail:[email protected]
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