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高圣涛 副教授



高圣涛, 男,1987年6月生,中共党员,博士,副教授,发表学术论文三十余篇,申请中国发明专利多项,申请国际专利2项。主持国家自然科学基金、国家重点实验室开放基金等,成果转化3项。获校优秀教育工作者、校优秀共产党员等荣誉称号。


(一) 讲授本科生课程:《无机与分析化学》《有机化学》等。


(一) 碳基电磁波吸收材料

(二) 纳米功能材料



1. 国家自然科学基金青年项目,52200139,2023/01-2025/12,在研,主持;

2. 煤炭安全精准开采国家地方联合工程研究中心开放基金,EC2022018,2023/01-2024/12,在研,主持;

3. 绿色高分子材料安徽省重点实验室开放课题,2021/01-2021/12,结题,主持;

4. 省部共建煤炭高效利用与绿色化工国家重点实验室开放课题,2022/01-2023/12,在研,主持;

5. 合肥综合性国家科学中心能源研究院研究项目,19KZS203,2020/06-2021/06,结题,参与。



36. Yangsen Zeng, Feng Wei, Qingyun Liu, Yaojie Gao, Shengtao Gao*, Yaohui Lv, Salt template strategy to P doped honeycomb-like carbon with high zinc ion storage performance, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2023, 963, 171233. (SCI, IF=6.371)

35. Yuanchun Zhang, Shengtao Gao*, Baoliang Xia, Jun He, Feng Wei, Xingzhao Zhang, Coal gasification fine slag doped with Fe3O4: High-performance electromagnetic-wave absorbers, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 2023, 580, 170916. (SCI, IF=3.097)

34. Feng Wei, Yangsen Zeng, Yuchen Guo, Jun Li, Shijie Zhu, Shengtao Gao*, Hanfang Zhang, Xiaojun He, Recent progress on the heteroatom-doped carbon cathode for zinc ion hybrid capacitors, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2023, 468, 143576. (SCI, IF=16.744)

33. Lirui Mao, Mingdong Zheng, Baoliang Xia, Facun Jiao, Tao Liu, Yuanchun Zhang, Shengtao Gao, Hanxu Li. Effect of residual carbon on coal ash melting characteristics in reducing atmosphere, Fuel, 2023, 346, 128385. (SCI, IF=8.035)

32. Shengtao Gao, Yuanchun Zhang, Xingzhao Zhang, Facun Jiao, Tao Liu, Hanxu Li, Yonghui Bai, Chengli Wu, Synthesis of hollow ZnFe2O4/residual carbon from coal gasification fine slag composites for multiband electromagnetic wave absorption, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2023, 952, 170016. (SCI, IF=6.371)

31. Shengtao Gao, Yuanchun Zhang, Jun He, Xingzhao Zhang, Facun Jiao, Tao Liu, Hanxu Li, Chengli Wu, Mingliang Ma, Coal gasification fine slag residual carbon decorated with hollow-spherical Fe3O4 nanoparticles for microwave absorption, Ceramics International, 2023, 49(11), 17554-17565. (SCI, IF=5.532)

30. Xingzhao Zhang, Yuanchun Zhang, Jun He, Hanxu Li, Yonghui Bai, Shengtao Gao*. ZnFe2O4 nanospheres decorated residual carbon from coal gasification fine slag as an ultra-thin microwave absorber, Fuel, 2023,331, 125811.(SCI, 高被引, IF=8.035)

29. Yang Liu, Shengtao Gao, Xinyu Zhang, John H. Xin, Chao Zhang. Probing the nature of charge carriers in one-dimensional conjugated polymers: a review of the theoretical models, experimental trends, and thermoelectric applications. Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 2023, 11, 12-47. (SCI, IF=8.067)

28. Wenxiong Chen, Honglong Xing, Shengtao Gao, Ping Yang, Xiaoli Ji, Bi-semiconductor heterojunction Cu9S5@VO2 microspheres with morphology regulation as broadband highperformance electromagnetic wave absorber, Applied Surface Science, 2023, 610, 155539. (SCI, IF=7.392)


27. Shengtao Gao, Longwei Chen, Yuanchun Zhang, Yonghui Bai, Xinyu Wei, Jiafang Shan. FeOx Nanoparticle/Coal Gasification Fine Slag Hybrids for Electromagnetic Wave Absorbers. ACS Applied Nano Materials, 2022, 5, 6, 7767-7777. (SCI, IF=6.14)

26. Zhang Yuanchun, Shengtao Gao*, He Jun, Li Haixu, Wu Chengli, Bai Yonghui. PANI-wrapped high-graphitized residual carbon hybrid with boosted electromagnetic wave absorption performance. Synthetic Metals, 2022, 287: 117077. (SCI, IF=4.0)

25. Zhang Yuanchun, Shengtao Gao*, Wang Yan. Metal-organic framework derived magnetic carbon Ni@C octahedron composite as an excellent microwave absorber. Composites Communications, 2022, 31: 101135. (SCI, IF=7.568)

24. Xinyu Wei, Wenjin Zhang, Longwei Chen, Xulu Xia, Yuedong Meng, Chengzhou Liu, Qifu Lin, Yiman Jiang, Shengtao Gao*. Evaluation of graphitization and tensile property in microwave plasma treated carbon fiber. Diamond & Related Materials, 2022, 126:109094. (SCI, IF=3.806)

23. Jun He, Shengtao Gao*, Zhang Yuanchun, Xingzhao Zhang, Hanxu Li*. N-doped residual carbon from coal gasification fine slag decorated with Fe3O4 nanoparticles for electromagnetic wave absorption. Journal of Materials Science & Technology, 2022, 104, 98-108. (SCI, 高被引, IF=10.32)


22. Shengtao Gao, Yuanchun Zhang, Hanxu Li, Jun He, Hang Xu, Chengli Wu. The microwave absorption properties of residual carbon from coal gasification fine slag. Fuel,2021,290,120050.

21. Shengtao Gao, Chengli Wu, Yuanchun Zhang, Hanxu Li. Dielectric regulation of high-graphitized fine ash wrapped cube-like ZnSnO3 composites with boosted microwave absorption performance. Ceramics International, 2021, 47(4): 4994-5002. (SCI, IF=5.532)

20. Shengtao Gao*, Longwei Chen, Yuanchun Zhang, Jiafang Shan. Fe nanoparticles decorated in residual carbon from coal gasification fine slag as an ultra-thin wideband microwave absorber. Composites Science and Technology, 2021, 213, 108921. (SCI, IF=9.879)

19. Jun He, Shengtao Gao*, Zhang Yuanchun, Hanxu Li. Nanoferric tetroxide decorated N-doped residual carbon from entrained-flow coal gasification fine slag for enhancing the electromagnetic wave absorption capacity. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2021, 874, 159878. (SCI, IF=4.175)

18. Hanxiao Jia, Honglong Xing, Xiaoli Ji, Shengtao Gao. Self-template and in-situ polymerization strategy to lightweight hollow MnO2@polyaniline core-shell heterojunction with excellent microwave absorption properties. Applied Surface Science, 2021, 537, 147857. (SCI, IF=7.392)


17. Shengtao Gao*, Zhang Yuanchun, Honglong Xing, Hanxu Li. Controlled reduction synthesis of yolk-shell magnetic@void@C for electromagnetic wave absorption. Chemical Engineering Journal. 2020,387,124149. (SCI, 高被引, IF=10)


16. Zhang Yuanchun, Shengtao Gao*, Honglong Xing, Hanxu Li. In situ carbon nanotubes encapsulated metal Nickel as high-performance microwave absorber from Ni-Zn Metal-Organic framework derivative. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2019, 801: 609-618. (SCI, TOP, IF=4.175)

15. Zhang Yuanchun, Shengtao Gao*, Honglong Xing. Hierarchical core-shell Fe3O4@C@MoS2 composites synergistically enhance microwave absorption. Materials Letters, 246, 2019:80-83. (SCI, IF=3.019)

14. Zhang Yuanchun, Shengtao Gao*, Honglong Xing. Reduced graphene oxide wrapped cube-like ZnSnO3: As a high-performance microwave absorber. Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 2019, 777: 544-553. (SCI, 小类一区,TOP, 高被引, IF=4.175)

13. Zhang Yuanchun, Hanxu Li, Shengtao Gao, Yan Geng. CL Wu. A study on the chemical state of carbon present in fine ash from gasification. Asia-Pacific Journal of Chemical Engineering, 2019, 14(4). (SCI)

12. Hanxiao Jia, Honglong Xing, Xiaoli Ji, Shengtao Gao. Synergistic effect of hexagonal flake Co3O4@PANI core-shell composites with excellent microwave-absorbing properties. Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics, 2019, 30, 3386-3395. (SCI)


11. Shengtao Gao, Honglong Xing*, Effect of nano-silver on the thermal stability and thermal decomposition kinetics of poly(acetoacetoxyethylmethacrylate-styrene), Journal of Elastomers & Plastics.2018,50(8):710-719. (SCI)

10. 张元春,高圣涛*.氨法选择性催化还原工艺在硝酸尾气治理中的应用[J].现代化工,2018,38(01):177-179. (CSCD)

9. Shengtao Gao, Honglong Xing*, Yunfei Li, Huan Wang, Synthesis of Cu2O/multi-walled carbon nanotube hybrid material and its microwave absorption performance, Research on Chemical Intermediates.2018,44(5):3425-3435. (SCI)

8. Shengtao Gao, Honglong Xing*, Guocai Xu, On interaction between nano-Cu-Ga and P(AAEM-St) matrix prepared via ultrasonic initiation, Journal of Elastomers & Plastics.2018,50(2):182-189. (SCI)


7.Lei Wang, Honglong Xing*, Shengtao Gao, Xiaoli Ji, Ziyao Shen. Porous flower-like NiO@graphene composites with superior microwave absorption properties, J. Mater. Chem. C, 2017, 5, 2005-2014. (SCI, 高被引)


6.Honglong Xing, Shengtao Gao, Guocai Xu, Liqiu Sun. In situ ultrasonic synthesis and characterization of nanocopper/poly(acetoacetoxyethyl methacrylate-styrene) composites, Journal of Thermoplastic Composite Materials. 2016. 29(2):260-269. (SCI)

5.高圣涛, 王文丽, 方华, 邢宏龙. 超声波作用下乳化炸药和乳胶基质的破乳现象试验研究[J].安徽理工大学学报(自然科学版),2016,36(01):62-64.

4.高圣涛,邢宏龙*,徐国财. 超声原位制备纳米银/P(AAEM-St)复合材料及其热学性能, 材料导报,2015,29(5):61-63. (CSCD)

3.Shengtao Gao, Honglong Xing, Guocai Xu, Xiaomei Zhang. In situ synthesis and characterization of nano-silver/PAMPS composites via microwave, Journal of Thermoplastic Composite Materials. 2015,28(7):1008-1018. (SCI)

2.邢宏龙*, 高圣涛, 徐国财等. 超声引发无皂乳液聚合制备纳米银/PAAEM复合材料及其表征, 无机化学学报, 28(10):2103-2108, 2012. (SCI)

1.高圣涛, 徐国财, 姚宝慧, 邢宏龙, 张晓梅. 纳米银/PAMPS复合材料的微波合成及表征,复合材料学报, 2012,29(3):54-58. (EI)


[1] 徐国财, 高圣涛, 赵建峰, 豆娜. 超声引发无皂乳液聚合制备纳米银-PAAEM复合材料的方法:ZL201210266847.5

[2] 高圣涛, 邢宏龙, 徐国财. 超声引发溶液聚合制备纳米铜聚合物复合材料的方法: ZL201410668046.0

[3] 高圣涛, 王军, 蒋贺贺, 李毅, 许京京.多功能织物料浆组合物及其制备方法: ZL 201510398581.3

[4] 高圣涛, 王文丽, 李毅. 抗菌保暖防电磁辐射纺织面料及其制备方法: ZL201510395154.X

[5] 张元春, 高圣涛. 超声波协同微波表征乳化炸药稳定性的方法: ZL201510395129.1

[6] 高圣涛. 一种Cu2O/MWCNTs复合材料、制备方法和催化应用.申请号:ZL201710433029.2

[7] 高圣涛, 邢宏龙. Cu2O/MWCNTs复合材料、制备方法和电磁波吸收应用. ZL201710437401.7

[8] 高圣涛, 李毅. P(AAEM-St)包覆心行纳米钯颗粒复合材料. ZL201710264443.5

[9] 高圣涛, 张元春, 朱群龙, 谢雨婷, 李毅. 核壳结构Fe3O4@C@MoS2复合材料的制备及其应用. ZL201910160166.2

[10] 张元春, 高圣涛. ZnSnO3@rGO的制备方法. ZL201811281675.2

[11] 高圣涛, 张元春. MOF衍生的分层蛋黄-壳ZnO-Ni@CNT微球的制备及应用. ZL201910321633.5

[12]  Shengtao Gao, Yuanchun Zhang, Chengli Wu, Hanxu Li (高圣涛, 张元春, 武成利, 李寒旭). Preparation and Application of Cube-like ZnSnO3 Composite Coated with Highly Graphitized Fine Ash(高石墨化细灰包覆类方块状ZnSnO3复合材料的制备及应用). 专利号:US17341423. 国际发明专利(美国,授权

[13] 张元春, 高圣涛, 邢宏龙, 李寒旭. 蛋黄-蛋壳型磁性碳复合材料、制备方法及应用. ZL201911217263.7

[14] 张元春, 李寒旭, 高圣涛, 武成利. 高石墨化细灰包覆类方块状ZnSnO3复合材料的制备及应用. 202110635765.2

[15] 张元春, 何军, 高圣涛, 李寒旭. PANI@RC复合材料、制备方法及应用. 202110428085.3

[16] 张元春, 高圣涛. 一种基于5G的玻璃幕墙端面清扫机器人.

[17] 高圣涛, 张元春. Fe3O4纳米粒子@煤气化细灰残碳复合材料、制备及应用. 202211458803.2

[18] 高圣涛, 张元春. 一种镍碳复合材料及其制备方法和应用. 专利号:US18034904. 国际发明专利(美国,实审





上一条:王昌济 副教授
下一条:王金明 讲师